Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving!!!! What a busy Holiday

This Holiday has gone way to fast. First Turkey day seems to fly by and I feel I did not get to enjoy my turkey or Family gatherings like I wanted to. I miss the days when you could sit down and play some cards and chat about things. Now with all the kids around I feel like I am in a carnival ride and it goes by just way to fast. I am sure with time it will get better. I can just see Thanksgiving ten years from now. All the kids are chatting with friends on their virtual laptops no one is talking as everyone just texts each other. All the games are played online and the Turkey would come out of the Foodmaker 1000 like on the Jetsons. Ah but I digress. It just seems with all the hustle in bustle of shopping and decorating and working Holidays seem to fly by and don't get enjoyed as they should. Well I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day and got there deals on Black Friday. Can't wait until Christmas now.

Peace Out

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vegetable Garden

It is that time of year when it is getting warmer out and it makes me think of getting ready for the garden. Last year I put in a little raised bed garden as I though the kids would like it and it might get them to eat veggies. It went well last year but might have over done it on a couple of areas. First cucumbers are very yummy but the plant grows like crazy and can chock out the other plants. Will need to fix that. Over did it on Tomato's as I don't really like them but thought I could make fresh salsa but never did. I think this year I will pick a different variety and plant them in a pot. I am going to start earlier this year so that I can by the seeds and start them and then replant in the garden once the frost scare has passed. I like to see the plants grow. My Grandma P always had a garden and we always had to go help her weed it when we were there. My parents had a garden as well and I just like the idea of it and the freshness. It also saves money. This year I think I am planting Cucumber, Zucchini, Tomato's, Peppers, and some herbs. The planning has started and trying to get the kids into it. Hopefully will get some pictures along the way.

Peace Out

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sheetrock Sucks

Just got done helping my Jay a few hours ago and my body is sore and tired. I should just go crawl into bed but I feel I must check my e-mail and facebook as I am an info fiend and don't want to miss out on anything. So I have checked facebook and nothing else as I got sidetracked catching up on my blogs. I ave learned I have to scale back on everything that I want to read as I don't have enough time to read everything. I should read more books but I like short and to the point stuff my blogs and magazines. So here is the update on the Webertopia life that I live. Work is work and I need new hours by summer. I went to see my cousin's band play at the full moon saloon with Marissa on Saturday. They were really good and bought there CD. The band is called Section 30. The kids are doing well and just gave them all a buzz cut yesterday as I will not pay any money to get their haircut as it does not go well. I think I do an OK job but once they get older I will have to let them get real haircuts. Dana has started selling Tupperware as well as working at Kohl's. I think it will be good for her as it lets her get out of the house and we needed new Tupperware. Well time for night night.

Peace out

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The technology of life

I have been trying to update this blog but every time I think to do it I start on something else. Whether it be facebook (my new addiction) or checking the umpteen e-mail accounts I have, I always seem to run out of time. I would love to have someone simplify my life by giving me access to everything I have online in one nice simple website. I should start that but I am not web savvy enough to complete my ultimate plan. So here is a rundown of what has been going on around here. If you didn't know I have a new Job and the hours are not exactly stellar. I am working 11:30 to 8 PM. This affords me the luxury of getting up with the kids and actually having breakfast. The kids are doing great and we all can't wait for spring. It is funny how kids grow up so fast as I look at pictures from just last year and am amazed by how much they grow and how there little minds work. I love to just sit back and watch and listen to them as their imagination takes them to new places in an instant. Life is grand. Now if someone could just put that all into a nice neat package for me and take out all the commercials and traffic and wasted time.

Peace out and word to your mother

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The after Christmas buzz has worn off

Well all the kids presents are laid on the floor. The knickknacks are broken and I stepped on a toy but soon they will be back at school and oh my joy. The Christmas season is behind us now and life will return to normal soon after the new year but for now I give you a glimpse into the mind of Nathan. Nathan and I went to church this morning and he did well for the first half of church but soon after his snack was eaten and the sugar buzz wore off he turned on me. At first he said he wanted to go home and that was normal but then he gave it a twist and said he was going to walk home so I said go ahead and he proceeded to put his hat, gloves, and coat on and he took about 4 steps and kept saying he was going to go. After he gave up on trekking in the cold he started in after the priest and said when is he going to be done talking. He keeps talking and talking and talking. After a few minutes of whining he said the best thing yet. He said he was leaving and told me to have fun with your church. That made me smirk as he is so funny and yet such a pain. Gotta love him.

Peace Out